Today marks the launching of the Jenn Murray: Web Designer official blog. If you're starting out with me from the very beginning, let me just say "welcome" and "thank you!"
My mission with this blog is to share marketing and design information that small business owners and managers will find useful. After all, knowledge is power. Unfortunately, as small business owners, we're usually so busy running our businesses that who has the time to solidly research anything, even marketing?
But in today's highly visual and electronic culture, marketing can truly either make or break you. Having a horrible website, for example, will actually hurt you much more than not having one at all. It's vital that you not only market your business, but that it's solid marketing. Otherwise, it can actually be a detriment, hindering all blood, sweat, and tears you're pouring into your livelihood.
Thus, how nice would it be to have sound advice and guidance right at your fingertips - for free? Why would I do this, you ask? Mostly because marketing is a passion of mine, and we don't usually mind sharing our passions. But also because having this blog gives me some free - yes, you guessed it! - marketing!
So join me as we delve into the intimidating - yet exciting - world of small business marketing. I hope you'll enjoy the ride as much as I will!